Ask any Chocoholic: Valentine’s Day is not Just for Lovers

Valentine’s Day may be shrouded in mystery as far as its origins are concerned but there’s no doubting the growing popularity or the excuse it gives us all to express a little of our romantic side. And there’s no better way to say “I love you!” than through the time-honored gift of chocolate. Yes, cards are fine and so are flowers – but let’s face it, you can’t eat or drink them.

The act of sharing a divine and chocolaty Caffe D’Vita Mocha Cappuccino with the one you love is surely part and parcel of the day’s enjoyment.

Our chocolate selection has been specially selected for Valentine’s Day Read more

Fun Hot Cocoa Ideas For The Holidays

When it’s cold outside and your craving for that hot drink that will warm you up, there’s nothing like a good mug of yummy Caffe D’Vita hot cocoa, but sometimes plain hot cocoa gets boring, and thus you need a couple of ways to spruce it up. Here are a few holiday hot cocoa enhancement ideas for you. Read more

Baby It’s Cold Outside! Time for Hot Cocoa

Hot Cocoa is the Perfect Comfort Drink for a Cold Day

There’s nothing better on a cold afternoon (or at any time of any day, for that matter) than a steaming mug of hot cocoa. Now that winter is ramping up, all I want to do is get super cozy and indulge in my favorite comfort beverage, hot cocoa. It’s cold outside. I’m going to stay inside, wrapped in a blanket, drinking this wintertime favorite.

What’s not to like? Read more

Hot Cocoa Has Some Really Surprising Health Benefits

By: Melissa Breyer

Drinkable chocolate has been used for years to treat ailments and maladies. When chocolate made its way to France in the 17th century, it was used “to fight against fits of anger and bad moods.” Which wasn’t just the French being French, it was truly insightful, given that modern research has discovered that chocolate reduces levels of stress hormones in the bodies of people feeling highly freaked out.

Which begs the question: We keep hearing more and more about the health benefits of chocolate, can the same be applied to hot cocoa as well? As it turns out, the answer is a resounding yes. Read more

Caffe D'Vita Premium Hot Cocoas

We’ve Got Hot Cocoa to Keep You Warm

At Caffe D’Vita we make our hot cocoas using Premium Chocolate that creates a rich soothing and creamy flavor. Our cocoa taste like a windy day while at a chalet in the Swiss Alps transported to your tongue. As fall approaches and the cooler breezes blow it’s the perfect time to indulge in a warm delicious hot cocoa. Let the cold air come, see the leaves change; we’ve got the best hot cocoa in the world to keep you warm. Read more

Chocolate is Good For You

Chocolate is actually good for you!There’s a reason that chocolate inspires gotta-have-it cravings for so many of us, perhaps more than any other food: It’s good for you!

“It’s actually good for your heart and also good for your blood pressure,” says Valentine Yanchou Njike, MD, MPH, of the Yale Griffin Prevention Research Center, who has researched cocoa’s effect on blood vessel function. Researchers have also found that phytochemicals in cocoa, which is used to make chocolate, may improve blood vessel function, slow blood clotting, improve insulin resistance and have protective effects against cancer.  And even though the labels say chocolate contains saturated fat, it’s actually the kind of fat that has little effect on your cholesterol levels.

The bottom line is that you don’t have to beat yourself up for craving chocolate if you enjoy it in moderation.

Here are some tips for getting a guilt-free chocolate fix.
1. Choose wisely.
How about chocolate instead of potato chips? Yes, indeed! The darker the chocolate, the more phytochemicals it contains. Because you’re eating this for pleasure.

have what you like in moderation,
2. Get a liquid fix.
Hot cocoa is another way to enjoy chocolate. Make your own using one of Caffe D’Vita’s hot cocoa or sugar free hot cocoa.
3. Savor it.
If you really love chocolate, slow down, enjoy it and savor every sip.

If you are interested in becoming a Caffe D’Vita foodservice distributor, we would be happy to provide you with the resources to market Caffe D’Vita products to your customers.

Caffe D’Vita’s Premium hot cocoa is low in fat, has no hydrogenated oils, no Trans fat and it gluten free. Unlike other supermarket versions, these mixes are dreamy rich and packed with everything that’s right and good about one of the world’s favorite foods.

True aficionados of chocolate will appreciate the incredibly complex flavor of this seductively rich, cocoa. Because of its premium cocoa and rich, velvety creamer you only have to use water to make it.

Those with a serious sweet tooth but watching their sugar intake will also love Caffe D’Vita’s premium sugar free hot cocoa.
Caffe D’Vita’s sugar free hot cocoa is a chocolaty-sweet sugar free version of our premium hot cocoa and is sweetened with Splenda®. Our sugar free hot cocoa mix is a surprisingly good alternative for those who need to reduce their sugar intake. Our sugar free hot cocoa uses the finest flavorings & ingredients and is the best instant sugar free hot cocoa available. It is has no hydrogenated oils, or Trans fats, and is gluten free!
To contact us, simply click here or call us at 800-200-5005 x315.

Caffe D’Vita’s premium foodservice products will exceed your quality and taste standards as our Cappuccino products have for nearly 40 years.
Caffe D’Vita Foodservice Lineup
Blended Iced Coffees
Premium Cappuccino Mix
Fruit Cream Smoothies
Premium Base Mixes
Classic Cream Smoothies
Hot Cocoa
Chai Tea Lattes
Iced Cappuccinos
Single Serve Envelopes

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice
800-200-5005 x315
[email protected]





Steamy Hot Cappuccino in the Morning

I love to drink a steamy hot cappuccino in the morning (or anytime, really!).

The best thing however is the taste, the cup where it all happens!

A warm cappuccino’s during the fall and winter months helps take the chill off on of cold winter days. When you think about it is there really anything better than warming up to a delicious Mocha Cappuccino?

Caffe D’ Vita is the premium beverage mix brand. We use the finest ingredients to produce premium cappuccino, blended ice coffee, hot cocoa, chai tea latte, and smoothie mixes.

Caffe D’Vita’s products have a long shelf life, are kosher, are quick to make, and can be used with either a blender or granita. The premium ingredients are guaranteed to produce accurate serving results every time.

Our unique customer service and promotional support is backed by nearly 40 years of experience in the premium beverage industry.
Try it – you’ll love it!”

If you are interested in becoming a Caffe D’Vita foodservice distributor, we would be happy to provide you with the resources to market Caffe D’Vita products to your customers.

To contact us, simply click here or call us at 800-200-5005 x315.
Caffe D’Vita’s premium foodservice products will exceed your quality and taste standards.

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice Lineup:
Blended Iced Coffees
Premium Cappuccino Mix
Fruit Cream Smoothies
Premium Base Mixes
Classic Cream Smoothies
Hot Cocoa
Chai Tea Lattes
Iced Cappuccinos
Single Serve Envelopes
Caffe D’Vita Foodservice:
800-200-5005 x315
[email protected]




Smoothies – Not Just for Summer Anymore

Forgive me for this outrageously healthy sounding recipe, but it is a New Year, and therefore all New Year’s diet resolutions are still in force. I usually think of smoothies more as summertime desserts.

Lately, I’ve been experimenting with a different class of smoothies. Vegetable-based, just a little sweet, make them well suited for the season. Sometimes I throw in a little orange juice or a squirt of lemon, but otherwise I stick to local, seasonal ingredients. If you’d like to try making your own, here are some other healthy ingredients you might want to consider adding:

Kale or spinach, carrot, apple beet (roasted or raw), orange (peeled fruit or juice)
sweet potato (roasted), parsley, pineapple, celery, ginger, carrot.
Try to purchase locally when possible, it’s fresher.

Green Apple Smoothie
1 serving
5 minutes preparation time
1 tablespoon of Caffe D’Vita Vanilla Bean Classic Cream smoothie mix
1 apple (any local variety), quartered and cored
1 carrot
½ small bunch spinach (about 2 cups packed leaves and stems)
1 teaspoon honey
1 pinch ground cinnamon (optional)
3-4 ice cubes
¼ cup cold water

In a blender, combine Vanilla Bean Smoothie mix, apple, carrot, spinach, honey, cinnamon, (or whatever suites your fancy that day) with ice cubes and water. Puree until smooth. If needed, add more water to achieve desired consistency.

If you are interested in becoming a Caffe D’Vita foodservice distributor, we would be happy to provide you with the resources to market Caffe D’Vita products to your customers.
To contact us, simply click here or call us at 800-200-5005 x315.

Caffe D’Vita’s premium foodservice products will exceed your quality and taste standards as our Cappuccino products have for nearly 40 years.

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice Lineup
Blended Iced Coffees
Premium Cappuccino Mix
Fruit Cream Smoothies
Premium Base Mixes
Classic Cream Smoothies
Hot Cocoa
Chai Tea Lattes
Iced Cappuccinos
Single Serve Envelopes

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice
800-200-5005 x315
[email protected]





It’s Chai Tea Latte Time of Year

This time of year I really get into Chai Tea Latte. It’s a great alternative to cappuccino and espresso and besides I just love the way it tastes.

CHAI, pronounced tshai, with a long “i” as in the word tie, is the actual word for TEA in many countries.

Chai tea is a rich and complex beverage that has been savored for centuries in many parts of the world. It has become extremely popular in the West as people are becoming exposed to it in coffee and tea houses and restaurants and elsewhere where beverages are sold.

In its most basic form, Chai is black tea that is brewed strong with a combination of spices and is diluted with milk and sugar. The spices vary usually consist of cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, anise seedr and ginger. Chai tea is traditionally consumed hot and sweet. The sweetness is needed to bring out the full flavors of the spices.

Chai tea is wonderfully fragrant and soothing, but if you really want to kick back and indulge in a little “Arabian nights” I can only recommend: Chai Tea Latte or Chai Latte!

A Chai Latte is the spiced Chai tea mixed with milk that’s steamed. I love the soft foamy texture the steamed milk adds to the Chai.

For those times when you don’t want to make Chai tea from scratch, Caffe D’Vita Chai Tea Latte is a great alternative.

If you are interested in becoming a Caffe D’Vita foodservice distributor, we would be happy to provide you with the resources to market Caffe D’Vita products to your customers.
To contact us, simply click here or call us at 800-200-5005 x315.

Caffe D’Vita’s premium foodservice products will exceed your quality and taste standards as our Cappuccino products have for nearly 40 years.

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice Lineup
Blended Iced Coffees
Premium Cappuccino Mix
Fruit Cream Smoothies
Premium Base Mixes
Classic Cream Smoothies
Hot Cocoa
Chai Tea Lattes
Iced Cappuccinos
Single Serve Envelopes

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice
800-200-5005 x315
[email protected]





Hot Cocoa Always Gets us Into the Valentine’s Day Spirit

Valentine’s Day was first associated with romantic love by Chaucer in the Middle Ages when the tradition of courtly love flourished. By the 15th century, it had evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, offering confectionery and sending greeting cards (known as “valentines”).Valentine’s Day symbols that are used today include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid.
Valentine’s Day is growing in popularity or the excuse it gives us all to express a little of our romantic side. And there’s no better way to say “I love you!” than through the time-honored gift of chocolate. Yes, cards are fine and so are flowers – but let’s face it, you can’t eat or drink them. The act of sharing a divine and chocolaty Caffe D’Vita Mocha Cappuccino with the one you love is surely part and parcel of the day’s enjoyment.

Choose any or all six of our chocolate favorites. Sip a cup of White Chocolate Cappuccino, Chocolate Chai, Hot Cocoa, Sugar Free Hot Cocoa, Cocoa Freeze Smoothie, or White Chocolate Raspberry Cappuccino, each one excites the imagination.

So let’s think chocolate this Valentine’s Day and you never know where it all might lead! Certainly, the golden age of romance is alive and well in the range of Valentine’s Day offerings from Caffe D’Vita.

Our chocolate selection is always correct for Valentine’s Day and is perfect for all who are hopelessly head over heels in love. Customer Service and Premium Ingredients remain our greatest priorities as we continue to develop new and exciting products.

Please shop the website for a complete listing of products available to you…our valued customer.

If you are interested in becoming a Caffe D’Vita foodservice distributor, we would be happy to provide you with the resources to market Caffe D’Vita products to your customers.

To contact us, simply click here or call us at 800-200-5005 x315. Caffe D’Vita’s premium foodservice products will exceed your quality and taste standards as our Cappuccino products have for almost 40 years.

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice Lineup
Blended Iced Coffees
Premium Cappuccino
Mix Fruit Cream Smoothies
Classic Cream Smoothies
Hot Cocoa
Chai Tea Lattes
Iced Cappuccinos
Single Serve Envelopes
Caffe D’Vita Foodservice 800-200-5005 x315 [email protected]


If you are interested in becoming a Caffe D’Vita foodservice distributor, we would be happy to provide you with the resources to market Caffe D’Vita products to your customers.
To contact us, simply click here or call us at 800-200-5005 x315.

Caffe D’Vita’s premium foodservice products will exceed your quality and taste standards as our Cappuccino products have for over 40 years.

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice Lineup
Blended Iced Coffees
Premium Cappuccino Mix
Fruit Cream Smoothies
Premium Base Mixes
Classic Cream Smoothies
Hot Cocoa
Chai Tea Lattes
Iced Cappuccinos
Single Serve Envelopes

Caffe D’Vita Foodservice
800-200-5005 x315
[email protected]